Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Are those... Golf Balls?

The sky is currently shedding golf ball sized snowflakes all over Brooklyn, and New Yorkers have *me* to thank for it!


Because against my better judgment, having seen the weather forecast, I decided that it was time to finally (read: for the first time since October) do my laundry. As such, the snow began to fall just as I finished loading 60-some pounds of laundry into two jumbo washing machines at the laundromat down the street.

If the snow keeps up at this rate, and actually sticks to the sidewalk, I'll be rolling my laundry cart home through at least 2 inches by the time my laundry is finally done.

Why is it that the loveliest things are often the most annoying?


Bridget said...

I'm not much of a snow enthusiast but it can be lovely and HIGHLY annoying.

As for laundry, it grows by itself until it's too much for one person to handle. It's just easier to buy new clothes... Oh wait. We don't live in a perfect world with an endless supply of cash.

Oh well. Hope laundry day is as painless as possible!

Jess said...

That sucks, but at the same time, how beautiful! And what fun photos that would make... laundry covered with snow! OK, you're right, it's really just annoying.