Sunday, February 22, 2009

And the ________ Goes To...

It's Oscar Day! Hooray!!

I have no special plans other than vegging on my couch in my PJs, possibly cracking open the bottle of Prosecco that's been lurking in my fridge for a month, and enjoying Hugh Jackman in all his singing, dancing, tuxedo-wearing glory.

I am more prepared this year than I have been in any other, having completed yesterday's mission to see all Five of the Best Picture nominees in one day, as those of you who are my Facebook Friends are well aware :) At the end of the very long day, I have to go against the masses and say that my personal pick for Best Picture is...

Drumroll Please...


Don't get me wrong, Slumdog was fantastic, but Milk wins, hands-down for me, for several reasons. First of all, Sean Penn's performance is absolutely amazing, and so are all of the supporting cast (Hello? Emile Hersch? I freaking LOVE YOU!!). It was shot very organically, in a way that feels at once both intimate, and like a vintage news reel; and speaking of vintage news reels, the clips that frequently pepper the movie are not even remotely intrusive, they blend perfectly with the rest of the film.

And the end? Holy hell I cried. Even though you know it's coming, I still. Wept.

Definitely gets my vote.

And now, on to other things that get my votes... I've got two, count 'em, two awards to pass out, so let's get crackin'!

Up first, since I received it a few weeks ago and am only now getting around to it...

The Lemonade Award!
Bestowed upon me by the lovely Sequined over at Sequins and Glitter.

1. Thank the person who was so thoughtful for giving you this award by linking their blog to this post. (Done. Thanks babe!!)
2. Put the logo on your blog or post.
3. Nominate 10 blogs which show great attitude/gratitude.
4. Link your nominees to your post.
5. Comment them to tell them about the award they've won.

Honestly,I'm cutting the numbers short since I'm giving out two different awards today, so instead I'll divide these by category..

J-Money at The Typing Makes Me Sound Busy, because she finds joy in self-depracation, and so do I.
Z at Autobiography of my Feet, because she handles the world's most evil boss with far more grace than I ever could.
Brandy at It's like I'm... mmmagic!, because anyone who works with small children deserves an award in my book :)

Jess at Du Wax Loolu, because someone called her ingrateful the other day, and that pissed me off because she is ANYTHING but!
Princess Pointful at ...and hijinks ensued., because, well, she just gets it.

Next Up...

The Love-Ya Award
Bestowed upon me by the darling Penny at Penny's Thoughts, who I didn't even know was reading my blog!

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

DS at Strange Musings of a Distracted Spunk, since I knew her in the real world before I met her in blogland.
Ashley at This Is Not The Life I Ordered!, for being my favourite mojito buddy.
Hope at Hope Dies Last, for letting me feel special by offering her lots of advice on a subject in which I am equally skill-less (that'd be love, people).
Deutlich, at Speak On It, who won't pass this on but deserves it anyway, and was the first blogger to become a Facebook friend without having met each other first.
Lily at Lily Speak, who I just met through Ashley's Be My Blog Valentine, and already I totally <3 her--and also she could use some bloggy love in her life after a rough few weeks.

Okay kids, those are my awards for the day! I'll try to go leave you all comments and let you know that it's sitting here, just waiting to be received with gratitude and awe, but really, y'all should be reading my blog anyway, so hopefully you'll find it on your own if I don't get around to it :)

And now... I'm off to bake something.


B said...

I <3 you.

You know - yours is one of the first blogs I ever really, really read?

I'm glad I found you on the interwebs.

Jess said...

Aww, thanks! This makes me feel better about that whole situation.

brandyismagic said...

Aww thanks for the shout out!! Yesterday I had 8 year olds singing the pussycat dolls 'when i grow up' for show and share and really re-thought my profession! ;)

Eleni Zoe said...

Thanks Froggy!

Ever so kind of you. But may I add that you wish you were as skill-less as me. Its the ONE thing I have going for me, don't EVEN try taking it away. :)