Friday, February 22, 2008

Invitation Only

No, not this post. My boss's funeral.

No, he's not dead, but apparently when he is, his funeral will be strictly Invitation Only.

Why did he share this?

No freaking idea.

I am so sick of this place. The Food Issues are back in full-force today, complete with imitations of another co-worker including pig noises. It makes my skin crawl.


In other news, I have a full 16 hours of class this weekend which I am less than thrilled about, but then... rejoice! After this weekend it's over and I get my weekends back! Which is a damned good thing because I am positively drowning under all the reading I currently have to finish. This semester is royally kicking my ass.

I need a distraction. Preferably of the single, attractive, employed, and male variety.

Anybody know where I can find one of those?


Jess said...

Um... Craigslist? That's where I found mine, anyway. And he met all four of those criteria.

B said...

no clue! but if you find out lemme know!

OH! And before I forget? All Points West music festival - I think you should check into it, for reals.

August 8-10, tickets to go on sale feb 29.. I'm gonna be there on the 8&9 because it's RADIOHEAD!

Samantha said...

If you know any out here on the west coast send them my way please...

ANA said...

I think the species you are interviewing for is close to being extinct.

Stephanie said...

Why does it seem like everyone has these freakish, strange bosses? Hang in there, and try to enjoy the weekend!

Mecca said...

New reader here. Me likey your bloggy.

...but back to your question at hand. NO CLUE but when you find out please let a girl know. :)

megabrooke said...

not sure where you can find him... but if you do, see if he has a brother to send my way!

megabrooke said...

um, and how WEIRD that your boss has this stuff planned out?

each of the two said...

ha, last time i was single my girlfriend asked what i was looking for in a man and i said "employed"

Princess Pointful said...

Word of advice... not on craigslist.
(Okay, so I'm totally working the hindsight thing ;) )