Monday, December 8, 2008

The more I think about it...

... the more I realize that it was not a good date.

I should not have to defend the fact that I (gasp!) watch television, or religiously read D-Listed, to someone I've known for less than an hour.

So my question to myself is: Why did I make such an effort to like this guy, when he had very little going for him other than his interest in me? Is it natural to keep looking for the positives when the negatives are so clearly in the majority, or is it just a sign of desperation?


B said...

I blame it on the ovaries.

Bridget said...

I had a similar situation recently and my only advice to you is to go with your gut. I didn't and, well, ended up waiting for him to call. He still hasn't.

In fact, this guy sounds amazingly similar to the one I dated: doesn't watch TV, makes fun of people who follow pop culture, etc.

I agree with Deutlich. Blame it on the ovaries.

Eleni Zoe said...

I usually go with "it's all my fault" but that *clearly* hasn't been working out for me. So lets just all do as Deutlich does and blame it on the ovaries. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with the "go with your gut" camp. My gut is smarter than my brain any day of the week and has never failed me.

My 2 cents for why we want it to be great? Because then we can stop looking. The looking part isn't fun. Also, then there isn't something wrong with what we did or who we are. Just my take. What do I know. I think I've been single forever. But I'm likeing life the way it is... so does it matter?

I think my friend Supergirl (I don't know how to link blogs but her site is is in the same boat...she wants the next one to be the right one so she can stop looking and get on with life.

So@24 said...

Absolutely. if you're not into it, you're not into it.

If you feel on the defensive only after THAT long? Yeah, time to pull that rip cord.

Brunhilda said...

Maybe you really wanted things to go well because we're worried about making sure he has fun, and he likes you, and he wants to do it again, and you don't even take the time to wonder if you're having fun.

Anonymous said...

I agree with amy in the pervious post. Give it a second go. What have you got to lose? If it sucks, don't go out again. I mean, if the first date was horrible, you wouldn't be giving it this much thought. Relax, don't over-think, and have some fun. It's not like you have to marry the dude.

Oh, and I'm still drunk from Saturday.

Lpeg said...

I HATE dates like that. I was on a date where the guy was laughing, AT ME, because I sure as hell wasn't laughing. I was so put off by that.

I also had another date where he made me pay. For my dinner, and BOTH our movie. PLUS I Drove!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that sucks.. you shouldn't have to defend the things you like, or the things you do.. because that's what makes you, you.. and the right guy will appreciate those things, even if he doesn't share them with you.

I'm absolutely guilty of looking for the positives when the negatives are staring me in the face. Attention is nice and sometimes we just want it to stick around, even when we know its not right.