Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where the hell is my motivation??

I have so much work to do and so little motivation to actually do it.

I've designed one more week of the residency that is my Thesis, but I'm starting to loose focus. It's awfully difficult to design a residency for communally writing a play when you have no idea what sort of stuff the students would come up with, and are therefore writing a predictive model based on... what? Pure freaking imagination. And mine appears to be malfunctioning today.

I'll just bake some more bread. Maybe that will help. Carbs solve everything.

I think I'll go make a list of the readings that will be assigned to participants. It's not a lesson plan, but it's something...


Princess of the Universe said...

I find that chocolate is very therapeutic and motivating as well...maybe coupled with some wine...

Princess Pointful said...

I know this far too well. I wish I still had the motivation of that fresh faced 20 year old in there somewhere!!